Saturday, June 30, 2007


Well, it's been some time since I posted. I've finished and worked on some stuff, I swear I have. Finished the skirt for my mother-in-law, just never got a better pic before I sent it. Finished the toddler sets. My aunt loves them! I really love to make things for her because I know she appreciates them. She said she'd try and get me a pic when she gets a chance - with three babes under 2 1/2 she doesn't have tons of time. I've worked on Ammi's baby blanket, it's almost done but I've gotten to where I hate to work on it. I will finish it eventually, but now I'm wondering if she'll even like it. I never did hear if she liked/used the one I made for her oldest son. But, I made one for one kid, so I need to make one for the other. My daughter loves it, so now I have to make her one since I've never gotten around to it. Have I ever mentioned how much I hate making blankets? I should make one for Val, but there's this whole thing I don't feel like going into. I even have the yarn for it. My little prodigy (see below) loves crocheted things. I think it's the texture. I also need to get started on Christmas stuff if I'm to have time to make things. I'm not sure I want to bother with most of them. I do want to k*it my husband a sweater eventually. I know how to knit, or at least the basics, but I'm not sure if I have the patience (hubby wears 1x) and I know I don't have the skill. But, nothing ventured nothing gained. there's also this cute little scarf I want to knit. Don't get me wrong, crochet's still my love. The skirt I'm working on is actually for me. I never make me anything. I've put most everything else on hold indefinately. A few UFO's have become tangled messes across my floor due to my cats so when I get time (he he he) I'll have to untangle and wind them and put the yarn away. Oh here's a pic of my wonderful, great, best tester made with my pattern. Pretty, yes? Much better than the original, which is why I'm showing you that one instead. I've decided to donate a copy of this pattern to the Crochetville auction as it's the most wonderful inspiring site. Since I may or may not ever sell this pattern, at least for now it's the only way to get a copy. If you aren't a 'ville member, go there! It's the best!

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